Working with an insurance broker to protect your family or yourself is a very important decision.
Many individuals obtain insurance (ie: Health, Disability, Life, Dental, Vision, Etc..) through their employers where H.R. ( Human Resources) professionals spend their careers learning how to partner with the right broker to minimize the selection process of insurance options for their employees.
We have learned from the thousands of individuals we serve that most individuals are looking for five things in a broker:
– Cost (Best price for coverage)
– Ease (How easy is it to select, educate and deliver results?)
– Peace of Mind (A confident feeling the staff member you are working with is knowledgeable and cares)
– Speed (How quickly can the insurance coverage be researched and presented?)
– Security of Personal Data (Is your confidential data in good hands and protected?)
At World Insurance Association, Inc. we are recognized experts in Special Risk insurance policies of all types for consumers. Most importantly, any individual has the ability to speak to any department or division leader and even the President of our company DIRECTLY!